Obtaining Quality Healthcare


New patients to Calmglow often wonder why we do not have a billing system such that we can bill their insurance. The reason is simple. We provide the healthcare our patients need based on their individual health requirements, not as dictated by the insurance companies. The best healthcare is driven by a healthcare provider, not insurance companies.


Calmglow understands that the insurance companies do not always reimburse for all of the care provided by Calmglow.  PPO insurance and some EPO insurance companies will cover most or all of the care provided by Calmglow. HMO plans rarely cover providers outside of their HMO network.  Therefore anyone who has an HMO may partner with an outside network HSA or FSA or use CareCredit.

Tips from an insurance agent



An insider tip from a Calmglow insurance agent patient: it is key to establish a friendly relationship with the insurance adjuster to whom you are submitting your invoice. Calmglow provides to our patients the insurance codes on their invoice so that they may submit the invoice to their insurance companies. Your insurance adjuster may be able to provide you with a more efficient codes. Our insurance agent patient, by using the more efficient codes for her PPO, has been able to obtain 100% reimbursement from her PPO.

Definitely worth establishing a friendly relationship with the insurance adjusters at our health insurance companies!




Calmglow also wants to make sure that our patients are taking advantage of their Health Saving Account (HSA) and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) which are offered by many employers. These saving accounts can be used to pay for office visits, test kits and supplements ordered via our office.


Calmglow has also partnered with CareCredit. CareCredit is a credit card that only approved licensed medical offices may offer. The reason that we partnered with CareCredit is because they offer our patients (subject to credit approval) special no interest payment options based on the total purchase price (and includes office visits, test kits and supplements).

Calmglow can give interested patients a link which gives our patients a direct view to Care Credit, allows our patients to actually apply (with an immediate approval or decline) and contains information about our promotional offers available through Care Credit.

Calmglow does not receive any benefit from CareCredit for referring our patients to them. We are partnering with them to give our patients another avenue to afford quality healthcare.

Your health is a priority. Calmglow helps you live your healthiest life. 

To your health.


Dianne Hinton NP, PA, IFM-C

Dianne Hilton Bio Card

