Pumpkin spice lattes, cinnamon rolls, mulled wine, warm yellow and orange hues all over, Thanksgiving – who doesn’t love fall, right? As festive and romantic as this season can be, we often face a whole slew of potential issues, starting with seasonal affective disorder for some, while others struggle with one of the most common nutritional deficits, vitamin D.
Even if you love your salmon, chances are that as soon as the colder months come, you’ll need to rethink your vitamin D needs. Most of us can’t get enough sunshine during the gloomier days, so here are some ideas to keep in mind to preserve your wellbeing.
Get your vitamin D levels checked out
First thing’s first, are you sure that you need upping your vitamin D intake? If so, by how much and by what means would it be most sensible to handle that, depending on your lifestyle? There are many variables at play here, so it’s crucial to talk to your physician if you’re not certain what to do.
Get your vitamin D levels checked out to see if you need to make any changes to your habits, such as your meal plan, or the time you spend outside. Once you know, the following ideas can come in handy!
Brighten up your space
Light therapy has been in use for a number of years and for so many different health conditions, but it’s a safe, natural way to improve your immune system, energy levels, hormone production, and ultimately, vitamin D production.
Sun lamps help by exposing your skin to UVB light, which triggers your body to produce vitamin D, just like natural sunlight would. However, due to the nature of the light produced by the lamp, it’s best to always consult a medical professional prior to using this form of therapy.
Vitamin D reinforcements
If you spend most of your time working from home, staring at a computer screen and have very little time for outdoor adventures that get you enough sunlight, then some dietary reinforcements can be very helpful. Our Vitamin D Liquid provides a 1000IU boost in a single drop, making it a convenient addition to your diet.
Ideally, go for a highly bioavailable form such as this one, so that your body can make the most of the vitamin D you introduce into your diet. Plus, it will help boost your energy and immune system for the upcoming winter months to keep those colds at bay.
Spend more time outside
If you live in a relatively warm and sunny region like our lovely California, all the more reason to head out more frequently! Take up walk-and-talk meetings instead of your typical office get-togethers. Go for a morning jog instead of a home-based workout, or spend some time with a friend by taking your coffee to go.
Either way, incorporating more outdoor time will help you get more exposure to natural light, which is essential for vitamin D production.
Tweak your menu
Finally, it’s important to take a look at your daily menu. Do you consume omega-3-packed fish like salmon? It’s also a rich source of vitamin D! Go for fortified milk, plant-based and regular, as well as mushrooms, eggs, and beef liver.
Dairy is also a good source of vitamin D, provided that your body can process it properly, so be sure to check with your doctor first. It’s best to combine good food sources with supplementation and plenty of time in natural light. However, if you’re still facing some issues, we’re always here to help!
You still have time to get ready for the dreary days of the year, and the sooner you begin adapting your routine and habits, the easier it will be for you to maximize your vitamin D intake. If you need help or you’re not sure how to protect your immune system with vitamin D through nutrition, sleep, and exercise, our holistic, functional approach might help – set up a consultation and get started on your own plan whenever you’re ready.