A Virtual Calmglow Office Visit: What to Expect

During the current shelter in place restrictions, Calmglow is still able to provide healthcare services to our current patients and for our new patients.  To make sure that everyone is able to obtain quality care during this time, Calmglow is offering both initial consultation and follow up visits virtually. While telemedicine, medical services provided virtually, has been utilized by doctors, hospitals and healthcare providers for approximately 40 years, its use has expanded exponentially in the past 5 years.  

What are virtual office visits?

Virtual office visits are simply healthcare provider-patient interactions that occur via video conference, e-mail, text or through a Web-based portal. A patient can have an initial consultation, a follow up visit to discuss test results and formulate an individualized plan.

How does a virtual office visit work?

A virtual office visit begins like an in person office visit, scheduling an appointment. To do so, call our office at (209) 247-9170 and schedule an appointment. You will receive an email confirming your appointment with a link to the video conference included. On the day and time of your appointment, click the link in the email and you will join Dianne Hinton for a video conference appointment.


Please make sure that you are in a private place for the video conference. Please make sure that your video conference cannot be heard by anyone other than those you have invited to attend the appointment with you.

Initial Consultation

If this is an appointment for an initial consultation, there are documents which will need to be completed and returned prior to the appointment. 



Here is a video about paperwork to be completed prior to the initial consultation and where the documents can be found on the Forum Health Modesto website

Lab Tests 


After the initial consultation, there will be lab tests ordered.  Here is a video explaining all of the lab tests. Only the tests necessary for each individual will be ordered; therefore, some of the tests shown may not pertain to you.

Follow Up Appointments

Once you have completed your lab tests and have sent them to the labs, call our office (209) 247-9170 to schedule your follow up appointment to discuss the results of your lab work and your individualized plan. You will receive an email confirming your appointment with a link to the video conference included. As a reminder, please make sure that only the individuals you have invited to attend your appointment can see and hear the video conference.


At this appointment, Dianne will go over your test results, explain what they reveal and discuss an individualized plan so that you can regain your optimal health.


We have noticed that our patients who regain their optimal health and reach their health goals share three attributes: they communicate; they commit; and they stay focused. The reason that some do not reach their health goals is usually one of the following: they do not buy the recommended supplements; they never take the lab test; or they never really commit. 


Calmglow is committed to your success. Calmglow will work with you to make sure that you obtain your recommended supplements by emailing follow up reminders. Calmglow will also send communications regarding healthy lifestyle choices: recommended diet; water, sleep, exercise; reducing stress, and eliminating negative influences.


It is not unusual to reach a 50% improvement in your key health goal in 3 months. For the three month follow up appointment, some patients want to split their appointment with Dianne and with our nutritionist so as to receive additional support. When scheduling your three month follow up, let our office know if you would like to split the time with Dianne and our nutritionist. 


By 6 months, most patients have gone from feeling fat, fatigued and foggy to vibrant, present and happy. We recommend celebrating the difference from the start of their healthy journey as documented in their symptom questionnaire to their current healthier selves. 


At this point, some patients desire to reach even deeper health goals, which we support and depending on the individual and their needs, we may order further tests, suggest additional services provided in our office, recommend further lifestyle modification, and suggest programs and services which will help our patients reach their health goals.


Calmglow is here to support our patients reach their health goals. Call our office to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you.


To your health.


Dianne Hinton, NP IFM-C


Dianne Hilton Bio Card

