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Essential Fatty Acids: The Key to Optimal Health

Fatty acids are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They are the building blocks of our cell membranes, affecting all cellular functions and communications throughout the body. In this article, we will explore the effects of fatty acids, particularly essential fatty acids (EFAs), and their relation to health. Essential Fatty Acids EFAs are […]

5 Uses and Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Superfoods might steal the spotlight in the media, and exotic herbs and plants might make more exciting smoothie ingredients, but sometimes your most common kitchen items can transform your wellbeing much more effectively. One such item is apple cider vinegar! This humble, fermented form of apple juice serves as a wonderful addition to any salad, […]

Lifestyle Recommendations for Chronic Fatigue

Feeling tired is healthy and normal, especially when you have a demanding job, if you exercise regularly, not to mention that daily stress can make us all crave for a good seaside vacation. But chronic fatigue is an entirely different beast to tackle: it can be so overwhelming that it makes it difficult for someone […]

5 Nutrition Tips to Relieve Chronic Pain

Many people dealing with chronic pain know its root cause, be it an injury, an age-related illness, or a product of chronic, systemic inflammation left untreated. However, with or without knowing the key culprit, there’s still so much you can do to help your body relieve the pain, especially with the help of nutrition. The […]

Nutrition and Mental Health – 5 Tips to Consider

Many people consider changing their eating habits when they feel they’re gaining too much weight, or perhaps when they are advised by their doctor to improve their health. As commendable as that is, too often people don’t look at their wellbeing holistically or ask themselves: how does my diet affect my mental and emotional wellbeing? […]

Your Kids’ Nutrition – 5 Tips for Picky Eaters

As a parent, you certainly put great stock in nutrition to keep your kids healthy, resilient, and to boost their physical and mental development. Yes, eating properly is crucial, but so is developing healthy eating habits, which can be tricky when you have picky eaters on your hands! To help your youngsters develop a fondness […]

Going Gluten-Free – Is It an Option for Me?

There are fads and trends, and then there are life-changing diets that actually help people improve their quality of life. While some people rush to jump on the gluten-free bandwagon for no clear reason, others genuinely take years to realize that they should remove this carb from their diet to restore their wellbeing. To demystify […]

5 Healthy Alternatives for Your Morning Cup of Coffee

There are certain habits that are hard to break. Especially if we turn them into beloved little rituals and associate them with relaxation and self-care. Sometimes we even build a bunch of other habits and behaviors around them. So, in addition to that hot cup of joe, you just have to have your morning smoke, […]

5 Holiday Drink Ideas to Embrace This Holiday Season


Part of every holiday tradition is based on enjoying a good dinner toast – we express our gratitude, rejoice over our family bonds, and look forward to a future filled with more such gatherings. Naturally, a glass of champagne or even something stronger is typical in such situations. Then we have the boozy cocktails and […]

Weight Loss Wellness Workshop

We are inviting you to join us for a cycle of invaluable, research-based advice created by functional medicine experts to help you improve the quality of your life through weight loss and wellness. In just four weeks, you’ll have the necessary information and actionable steps that will enable you to reach your goals. Apply for the workshops […]

Food and Energy Production – How to Use Nutrition to Nourish Your Mitochondria

Our civilization has come a long way over the centuries, so living in a well-developed society today means perceiving food as a source of pleasure, much more so than pure sustenance. We combine ingredients to satisfy our flavor preferences, forgetting that at the basis of it, food is our fuel – we need it for […]

Food and Gut Health – How Your Nutrition Affects Your Gut Microbiome

Did you know that you’re sharing your body with many different microorganisms, among which you’ll find bacteria of all sorts? Most of them are located in your digestive tract, they make up your gut microbiome, and their primary roles are to help your body absorb the nutrients from food, prevent diseases and infections, boost your […]

Food and Hormones – How Poor Nutrition Affects Your Hormonal Balance

Inflammation gets a lot of bad rep, and so many people universally think of it as a harmful process that can be detrimental to our health. The truth is, inflammation is a natural process that is necessary for us to stay alive – it’s our immune response to various pathogens (such as getting a fever […]

Adapting Your Diet and Lifestyle to Fight Cancer

Tweaking your diet to stay healthy can be a challenge on its own, especially when you need to lose some of those hard-wired habits to snack on unhealthy treats and consume processed foods. Add cancer into the mix, and the magnitude of the problem reaches a whole new level – your body and your mind […]

How Seasonal and Local Foods Contribute to Your Health

Living in the modern times means being accustomed to having many choices. Some might even say too many. This kind of convenience and the sheer number of options on the store shelves have pushed many people towards impulse buying. That means reaching for imported goods, all-year-round produce even though it’s not grown in a natural […]

5 Reasons to Start Your Own Diet Journal

People use all kinds of buzzwords when talking about dieting and food without truly understanding what those terms mean or represent. For example, the term “mindfulness” is thrown around so often, that it has practically lost all meaning for many people. And yet, mindfulness is a crucial concept in leading a healthy life, especially when […]

Bring out Your Inner Chef – 5 Tips for Food Preparation to Preserve Nutrients

The decision to switch to healthy eating is a challenging one for most people, and it takes plenty of learning to figure out which seasonal foods are best for your particular needs. Once you have it all settled, you might think you’re all done, but the simple truth is, choosing healthy ingredients is half the […]

Children’s Nutrition Class

Join Chelsea Britton, RDN as she discusses the unique nutritional needs of children. She will discuss infant nutrition, toddler nutrition, pre-adolescent, and teenage nutritional needs. There are many important nutritional concepts throughout life which we will also discuss with a mindfulness to the pediatric population: benefits of phytonutrients, digestive support, whole foods eating, and mineral […]

Nutrition Tips to Keep Your Child’s Asthma under Control

With so many of our kids suffering from allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis and other chronic conditions, it’s no wonder parents feel at a loss when looking for a solution. Naturally, you would assume that a respiratory problem like asthma will be treated by focusing on factors that affect the respiratory system directly, such as airborne […]

Common Environmental Asthma Triggers for Kids

Respiratory problems for kids and adults have increased over the years, especially for people living in highly urbanized areas. Their exposure to environmental factors, including pollution, allergens, and the like have increased the likelihood for many kids to develop allergies and asthma. With as much as 4% of the US population suffering from asthma, it’s […]

5 Dietary Tips to Elevate Your Energy Levels

Every now and then, you probably feel exhausted without fully understanding why – so you blame work, stress, lack of sleep, and many other culprits. On one hand, adapting your lifestyle to be more balanced and to ensure enough rest for your mind and body is essential, but there’s no way around changing your nutrition! […]

Gut Health Online Class

Microbiome Health Online Class Did you know that the bacteria within the microbiome can weigh up to 4.5 pounds?!  Learn how to nourish the garden within! Join Chelsea, our registered dietitian, in this class intended to support overall gut health. Whether you’ve taken antibiotics recently, or have subtle changes in your digestive system, this class […]

Gut Health and Celiac Disease – Treatment and Prevention Through the Microbiome

You’ve likely noticed an uptick in gluten-free items on store shelves, restaurant menus and diet plans offered by nutritionists everywhere. Primarily, the gluten-free take on eating serves one particular group of people: those who suffer from Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder in which your gut cannot process gluten properly. So, naturally, people who discover that […]

Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency and Reducing the Risk of COVID-19 in One Go

If you live in sunny California, you might feel that there’s no way you could be dealing with a vitamin D deficiency. Alas, when you look back on our 2020, you’ll notice that many people have spent the majority of their time indoors, and even without the lockdown, too many people still don’t get enough […]

Let’s Get Cracking – 10 Must-Know Facts About Eggs for This Easter

Happy Easter, everyone! On this wonderful, abundant holiday, every single family will prepare a batch of hard-boiled eggs and decorate them especially for this occasion. But there are a few worthy things to note about these nutrient-dense goodies. Learning about eggs can help you balance their intake and prevent digestive issues through optimizing your diet. […]

Battling Spring Fatigue Part 2 – The Crucial Role of Your Nutrition

Our last blog post has scratched the surface on the topic of spring fatigue, a very relevant one for the unraveling season, and it will hopefully help you find the root of your problem. However, even once you figure out precisely what is causing you to feel drained, sluggish and exhausted, you still have so […]

How to Prevent a COVID-19 Infection and Recognize the Symptoms

The previous year has been difficult for all of us, all the more so because of the lockdown, social distancing, and other restrictive rules and regulations meant to slow down the pandemic. We’re now well into 2021, and although immunization has started in various countries across the world (yay!), we still need to be careful. […]

Breaking Through the Wall and Seeking a Healthy New Normal?

  Are you just over the world being turned on its ear? Disillusioned, confused and worried? Wondering who to trust with so much conflicting information about how to maneuver through this pandemic?    Healthy strategies to handle the new normal are based on the foundation for overall well being: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health.  […]

5 Lifestyle Pillars For A Vibrant Life

  With the news and social media feeds filled with stories of mounting cases of COVID-19 and staggering numbers of daily deaths caused by this virus, feelings of fear and dread are a reasonable response. To combat the paralysis of overwhelm and despair, arm yourself with the knowledge to improve your immune system and overall […]

Boosting Health and Well-Being through the Holidays

Once again, fall has been spectacular in Northern California. I’ve enjoyed the vibrant colors as I have driven thru the picturesque countryside we have all around us.   A lot to be grateful for in living here and I hope you have enjoyed it, too. As the calendar is turning towards the holidays, I thought […]

The Rise of Autoimmune Diseases: A Modern Epidemic?

Many people I see in my practice are surprised to learn that their symptoms may be due to a malfunction of their immune system. These kinds of conditions include digestive and bowel disorders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, arthritis, as well as those that are generally labeled as autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid […]

Sugar is Toxic!

Well, my dad told me that back in the 60’s, and as a kid I hated the idea! In my training in preventive medicine, we’ve also known that was the case as the research pointing in that direction was accumulating. But now it’s reached the mainstream media with Dr. Sanjay Gupta doing a “60 Minutes” […]


If you have been listening to the news lately, you probably have heard about telomeres and the discoveries about their connection to disease and aging. In this issue, I want to share with you what they are, how they impact us, and what we are beginning to find out about preserving them. In 1984, Elizabeth […]


Do I need to take vitamins and other nutrients? Which ones do I need? What doses? How do I choose them? These and other questions are often asked by patients, and the answers are important to fundamental good health and longevity. It is confusing because there are so many different supplements and so many voices […]