We are inviting you to join us for a cycle of invaluable, research-based advice created by functional medicine experts to help you improve the quality of your life through weight loss and wellness. In just four weeks, you’ll have the necessary information and actionable steps that will enable you to reach your goals. Apply for the workshops today and start working on a healthier you!

First Class will start Wednesday, Nov 10th at 5:30 pm PST.

Second Class will be Wednesday Nov 17th same time.

WE WILL SKIP THANKSGIVING WEEK so everyone can enjoy the holiday!!

Third class will be Wednesday, Dec 1st and last class Dec 8th.

Time: Wednesdays at 5:30-6:30pm

Place: Online

Price: $100 for all 4 classes or $30/class.


Week 1 Realign/ reset/ routine

Week 2 Elimination plan 3-7 day Plans

Week 3 Support Detox System

Week 4 Lifelong Wellness Principles

Bonus tip: healthier recipes for traditional holiday foods!

Sign up today!

