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How to Prevent a COVID-19 Infection and Recognize the Symptoms

The previous year has been difficult for all of us, all the more so because of the lockdown, social distancing, and other restrictive rules and regulations meant to slow down the pandemic. We’re now well into 2021, and although immunization has started in various countries across the world (yay!), we still need to be careful.

Even if you’re young, strong, and vibrant, many people around you in your family and your community could be suffering from underlying illnesses that make them more susceptible to severe COVID-19 infections. That is why preventing one is the best option!

Now, while we’ve already covered COVID-19 protection in its four key stages, we’ll now look into the most effective preventative measures and symptoms to keep an eye on. Here’s what you can do to stay healthy, resilient, and protect your family’s wellbeing, too!


Hygiene basics to remember

The pandemic has been around for such a long time, and we might be tired of all the rules, but we need to be persistent. That said, here are a few rules we should never fail to implement until we’re in the clear:

  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, thoroughly.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Wear a mask, but if it’s made of cotton, make sure to wash it properly and regularly.
  • Use had sanitizer on the go, especially when you need to touch door handles and other things in public.
  • Clean the things you often touch such as your phone, computer keyboard, mouse, and the like.
  • Take social distancing seriously and limit close interactions such as handshakes, kisses, hugs, etc.


Sleep and relaxation

Prevention heavily depends on your lifestyle, but before we move onto diet and other essentials, we need to tackle a commonly neglected aspect of our life: sleep! Regular rest and 8-9 hours of quality sleep every night will help boost your immune system and keep viral infections at bay.

During your hours of shut-eye, your body recuperates by producing anti-inflammatory proteins and flushing out toxinsyou’ve been exposed to during the day. However, in addition to sleeping optimally, make sure that you also take a moment to unwind every day. Find an activity that has a soothing impact on your mind to reduce your stress levels, and you’ll contribute to your preventative action plan against COVID-19!


Nutrition and exercise

Of course, the foundation of your overall wellbeing, your approach to nutrition and exercise, also plays a vital role in preventing a severe COVID-19 infection to begin with. After all, regularly and consistently consuming enough vitamins, minerals, and balancing your macronutrients allows your body to defend itself on its own.

  • Make sure your everyday menu consists of ample vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, but also minerals including zinc and selenium.
  • Consume prebiotic foods (fruits and veggies), which are also rich in fiber, perfect for your gut health and immune system.
  • Things to avoid in your diet: smoking, sugar, processed foods, unhealthy fats, chemical additives.

Don’t forget to keep up with your exercise regime: it will empower your body to ward off all kinds of infections, including the COVID-19 one.


Keep your gut healthy

Now that you’ve perfected your diet and introduced all those delicious wholefoods into your daily menu, you should help your gut make the most of all those goodies. What that means is, if your intestinal health isn’t up to par, your body might not be able to absorb all those nutrients you’re consuming every day.

You can introduce gut-friendly supplements that are designed specifically to heal your gut microbiome. Remember, your gut is part of your immune system, and a vital part at that, so you’ll be helping strengthen your immune response. You can also add dietary supplements such as GI Revive, which will help improve your gut-immune barrier.


Symptoms to be mindful of

As with so many other viral infections, recognizing a COVID-19 infection can be both straightforward and tricky at the same time. For one, many people who contract the virus never develop symptoms at all, which means that you could be asymptomatic. However, the following changes in how you feel can alert you to a COVID-19 infection, and you should then take precautions to limit interactions, ask for medical help, and start helping your body heal:

  • Fatigue and overall tiredness
  • Dry cough and a sore throat
  • Fever
  • Loss of taste or smell (or both)
  • Nasal congestion
  • Muscle aches and headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rash

Finally, until the pandemic settles, we all need to chip in with preventative measures and protection, thus contributing to the health of our families and communities. A little really goes a long way, so take a moment to go over your prevention checklist and make sure you’re doing everything in your power to stay healthy. Have you figured out any unique ways to boost your health during the pandemic? Share in the comments below or schedule your appointment today!

