Like catching the flu or waiting in line, some amount of stress is inevitable in life. It helps us recognize our limitations and potentially grow more resilient mentally and emotionally. But stress and anxiety are an everyday reality for some people.

Whether you’re experiencing the holiday season blues, or you’re struggling with chronic anxiety, there’s no need to neglect the issue. There are many ways to help soothe your symptoms, but more importantly, there are effective, long-term remedies and methods you can try at home. These can help reduce the severity of your anxiety, but also help you discover and treat the underlying causes.


Create a health-focused routine

Setting a routine means establishing some level of control over how you spend your time and energy. A routine gives you predictability, as well as the freedom to be flexible when necessary. Creating an eating schedule allows you to make sure that you’re eating precisely what your body needs, and that you’re choosing foods that benefit your mental health.

It also means that you can ensure proper sleep quality, which is vital for your mental wellbeing as well as your energy levels during the day. The more energy you have, the easier it will be to tackle the challenges life throws at you.


Mind your nutrition

Some decisions you make at home have a great impact on how you feel, and that includes your meal choices, as well as snacks, and other dietary decisions. For instance, if you’re a smoker or you consume alcohol daily, you could be exacerbating your anxiety without knowing it. What might seem like soothing activities can actually trigger even more stress (like lighting up that cigarette).

  • Try to eliminate those vices that could be worsening your anxiety symptoms. Instead, go for healthier alternatives that can help you cope, such as a healthy snack, writing down your feelings, or doing some yoga.
  • Balance your diet so that your immune system can be strong and ward off infections. Dealing with anxiety means that you shouldn’t add more stress to your plate.
  • Much like alcohol and smoking, too much sugar can have the same detrimental impact on your mental health. Skip the sugar-packed foods for more nutritious options to prime your body for mental resilience, too.


Introduce calming strategies

Now that we’ve covered what not to do in the nutrition department, you should know that different people respond to different stress-reducing methods. So, naturally, when you have limited options at home, try out as many as possible to test out what helps you the most.

  • Simple breathing exercises and affirmations can help you refocus your mind on your wellbeing, slow down your heartbeat, and allow your body to process what you’re feeling without being overwhelmed.
  • If you have a pet puppy, you’d be surprised how a brief cuddling session can help your body release those wonderful happy hormones. Let your furry friend soothe you at home!
  • Aromatherapy can also help – soothing fragrances such as lavender in your scented candles are a great way to create a Zen zone in your own home.
  • Keep a journal that lets you process your emotions when you’re stressed. That can provide a perfect release when you’re anxious.


Healthy supplements for your mind

Especially during the pandemic, people have been focused on immune system health and we’ve all tried to improve our habits to be more resilient. If we were to devote the same care and attention to our mental health, we’d find it much easier to reduce anxiety and prevent it altogether.

In the spirit of treating your mind with the same care we treat our bodies, you can introduce supplements that focus on mental wellbeing. The combination of vitamins, minerals, and other powerful compounds in Trancor are a great way to supplement your diet and reinforce your sense of tranquility. The right balance of ingredients in supplements can be of great help while you’re discovering the underlying cause and improving your life to nip anxiety in the bud.


You’re not alone – ask for help

As we elevate awareness of just how crucial it is to address mental health issues, anxiety included, we also need to remind ourselves of a simple fact: none of us are alone on this journey we call life. Although you alone need to process and live the anxiety that’s shaping your life, you can and should always ask for help and guidance.

Sometimes, an honest conversation with your friend or spouse can be extremely helpful. In functional medicine, experts focus on the bigger picture all the time, so consulting a professional can be a life-altering experience. Therapy of any kind shouldn’t be a taboo, but a healthy way to take better care of your mental wellness.

Functional medicine takes a holistic approach to health, so that you don’t treat the consequences alone, but uncover and take care of the underlying problems. More often than not, these tips can help you manage your symptoms on your own, at home. But if you feel that your stress and anxiety aren’t getting better over time, booking a consultation with a functional medicine expert can be a great start.

