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U: The Center of Your Healthcare



What is the focus of modern medicine? 


Modern medical care is primarily focused on the treatment of diseases and acute care (emergency or urgent care). Do U have a broken leg? Were U in an automobile accident? Go to urgent care.


Urgent Care



Functional Medicine has a different focus: the patient. Patient-centered care requires a very important component: U and places U at the center of your healthcare. A functional medicine practitioner partners with U for your health.

food, exercises, meditation and health check are very important for balanced life

With U at the center of your healthcare, U are an active participant. Unlike a doctor visit where U receive a prescription to address your symptoms, U and your functional medicine practitioner will undercover the underlying causes of your maladies.


Chronic conditions are the common concerns which functional medicine practitioners address with their patients.



If U are facing a chronic condition, U want a functional medicine practitioner guiding you on your path toward health. In partnership with U, your functional medicine practitioner will unearth the root causes of your chronic condition. Once the causes are revealed, your unique plan will be created.


What does patient-centered care look like?


Patient-centered care starts with a medical symptoms questionnaire. Pretty standard, right? You’ll also complete form about your history: date of birth, prior surgeries (nothing unusual there), adequate sleep, fast food (we’re entering new territory with that question). Labs will be ordered for you. Once test results are received, you meet with Dianne Hinton or Jessica Santos and the uniqueness, which is U, begins to emerge.


U and Functional Medicine

During your session, your life journey is discussed, starting from the prenatal U.  Other aspects of your past and current life are addressed: where U live, what U do, how U live, how you feel, and more. You may wonder why the interest in such diverse aspects of your life.


A wide range of components created the U of today: your genetic makeup, the chemicals in your environment, the messages U received as a child, the preservatives and dyes you consumed, the toxins in your body, your molecular interactions, your physiology, your psyche, your emotions, your activity level, your diet, your interests, your stress levels, your relationships, and more.


Your path to vibrant health may involve lifestyle changes, removal of environmental toxins and internal toxins, new approaches to stress management, an examination of relationships, supplements, even learning new ways to breathe.



Together with your functional medicine practitioner,

U will create the changes which will allow your body

to heal. Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal.

You will discover how to provide your body the macro and micronutrients that it needs to heal and thrive.

Stress management techniques that work will be

shared. Your deficiencies will be addressed and resolved.



We look forward to helping you traverse your journey of healing and your return to being your vibrant self.


To your health,


Dianne Hinton NP, PA, IFM-C

Dianne Hilton Bio Card

