The weather is changing and that gives me the sense that the holidays are right around the corner. Haven’t we had some wonderful fall days? Sonoma County at its best!
This is also the time of year to begin thinking about what you want to shift or change in the New Year.
I always encourage you to pay attention to your health and to think about any changes that might benefit you in the long term. For many people, one of those changes is their weight. If you have wanted to address this issue but have not been sure how, or what is safe, or have lacked support, this is your opportunity to get ready to join the weight loss group that I, along with Lizzie, will be offering in January.
Last year, 12 people signed up to join us on this path to weight loss. All were successful in losing weight, many in a major way. Some have gone on to lose more, with one participant now being over 110 pounds lighter! Congratulations!
And you can do it too! This is a program that works by increasing your body’s ability to burn fat, up to 4000 calories per day, while you eat a limited caloric diet. We use hCG, which is a hormone that is produced by both women and men. A small quantity of this hormone is injected daily, and we monitor your fat mass loss while helping you to avoid muscle mass loss and prevent toxicity. This is a low risk weight loss program, and most people are good candidates as long as they need to lose at least 12 pounds. For a more detailed explanation, please see my previous newsletters for June 2010 and December 2010.
This program requires discipline, but in return you really see results.
Most women lose ½ -1 pounds per day, while men can expect 1-2 pounds per day. The treatment extends over 21 or 42 consecutive days depending on the weight you want to lose, and is followed by a 3 week maintenance phase when your body resets its metabolism. We then help you to establish healthier eating patterns and to keep your hormones balanced so that your weight loss can be maintained.
During the program, we will have a weekly support group where we will share our experiences; discuss the protocol, good nutrition, and other life style practices; do exercises in self-nurturing and discovery, and support each other. You will meet with me initially to ensure that you are a candidate for the program, to determine your ideal weight, and to do a baseline BIA test to determine your fat mass and muscle mass – something you will check on a weekly basis during the program. There will also be brief weekly appointments with me to check your progress and to make any necessary corrections.
We are not offering this program as a package any longer, so the costs of the program are the costs of the visits, BIA’s, supplements, and the group (which is essential to your success). Here are some remarks from last year’s participants:
“When I look at myself I am very, very happy! I can’t believe I’m back to what I weighed 10 years ago. I lost 26 pounds.”
“I feel so good and look in the mirror at the new me and know I can do anything! I proved it to myself!” Lost 14 pounds.
“I got so much out of coming to a weekly group to share my week’s journey and to hear how others were doing. It was a powerful experience and I lost 32 pounds.”
The program begins January 9 and will be open to a maximum of 12 people – last year we filled quite early so a word to the wise! Please read the two newsletters listed above, and call Lizzie to sign up if you think this program is for you. You’ll be glad you did! However, if you have not worked on hormone balancing up to this time, you should see me right away to get that started. And if you have, you are probably ready to go.
We are planning an introductory evening on December 8 to discuss the program in greater detail and to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to attend, please call Lizzie at 707-396-5809.
I have had the joy of working with patients losing weight with the hCG protocol for several years, and decided this summer to get my formal certification in this specialty area. In the course of this process, I very much enjoyed exchanging experiences with other clinicians who have successfully used this approach with their patients. It really works and the results are amazing.
Though my practice continues to be dedicated to hormonal (endocrine) health for women and men of all ages, I find that hormonal systems work their best when we practice good lifestyle choices including our diet, supplementation, exercise and stress management. And, if our weight is in a healthy range it has a positive effect, also.
As I said before, this type of investment in your health can return many rewards for years to come. Think of all the benefits you can enjoy when you support a more healthy weight – less risk of diseases, better mobility, a more positive sense of yourself, and a feeling of being in control of your health.