Creating Flexibility in Times of Change

One of life’s guarantees is that things change. We can’t avoid it. It’s a fact. But how we respond to it can make all the difference in our lives.
Do you find yourself these days shaking your head in disbelief at how our daily lives have changed in just a few short months? I do, and I also wonder where we are going with how we will work, play, interact, and go about life. Admittedly, for most of us, there is a heightened level of stress with the pandemic and shelter in place guidelines we are following. Just the act of going to the grocery takes on new dimensions of thoughtfulness and care as we all work to be safe.

I’ve noticed for myself there can be an underlying level of stress that wasn’t there before and requires my attention. Sometimes that involves expanding my daily practices that help me stay centered and grounded. Other times it is in talking with trusted friends or loved ones. And often, it is to somehow get out into nature to feel the calm support it has to offer during this chaotic time. It can also include connecting with our spiritual support and tuning into our deeper spiritual self on a regular basis. Taking time to nurture ourselves and listen to our inner self right now is a high priority for a sustained ability to cope with the changes we are facing individually and as a society and global human.

Maybe you have included in your daily routine some elements of healthy coping. These include any stress management techniques you may have put in place when we have discussed your adrenal gland support. Deep breathing, yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, guided imagery, contemplative prayer, journaling, dancing – are just some to consider. I hope that you are using these or similar approaches regularly, for it will help you to keep better balance with your adrenal function during these times, and that allows you to manage better the stress that occurs.

Yes, change is inevitable, and it can actually be good. Right now, we see the abundance of possibilities for classes and instruction on zoom on any topic you wish. Check out ones on stress management for a break from your usual practices -see below. It could be expansive and fill you with hope and inspiration. Also, healthy cooking, gardening, and hobbies can offer new possibilities to create joy in your life.
In classes I have taught in the past, I remember that in the Chinese language, the character for “change” also means “opportunity.” When we can shift our perspective to the opportunities this pandemic is offering, we can see the possibilities of positive change that it is bringing about for us and our planet.

My staff and I continue to be available for your hormonal needs during this time. As you know, I am utilizing, like other clinicians, phone, and video calls for medical appointments. This will be a trend for the future. Fortunately, we can reach out to those in other states to provide hormonal care during this time also. If you have a friend or family member who needs hormonal attention, consider talking with them at this time about the possibility of getting started with my practice.
My upcoming free talk on Bio-Identical Hormones for Women and Men on May 20, 7 PM, is offered this time by zoom. See the flyer just below this article for sign up. If you are new to hormones or want to share the facts with friends and family, or only to review the benefits, feel free to sign up.


Change is always going to happen on life’s path, and keeping ourselves in a space to flow with those changes, can bring more health, well-being, and balance.
This, in turn, enables us to live life fully despite whatever the change may be.
For all of us to flow with ease in the changes of life,


Ideas for success during this time:
• Exercise regularly
• Sleep and rest
• Connect with others but not all the time
• Take breaks – including from the news and internet – check out Mindful Browsing app
• Keep a daily schedule
• Eat a healthy diet
• Practice deliberate and mindful breathing
• Change your response to stress to be positive
• Sound bath or brown noise or simply recoded rainfall
• Create joy, find ways to laugh
• Focus on the good, do acts of kindness
• Know when to get help
• Shift negative self-statements by replacing “but with “and” e.g. “But this is a terrible time” changes to “This is a terrible time, and we’ll get through it.” “But I’m so lonely” changes to “I am lonely, and I’m grateful for the connections I do have.”

Find a mantra -This is a short and powerful phrase that you relate to that you can easily think or say when anxiety spikes. Some of my personal favorites are:
• This is a marathon, not a sprint.
• Be where your feet are.
• I have endured (insert here… moving, divorce, losing my job, health crisis) I can weather this storm.
• Just for today—I’ll take things one day at a time.


Apps that offer guidance on breathing:

• Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate
• Breathe2Relax
• Universal Breathing: Pranayama
• Apps that offer meditation, breathing techniques and ways to manage anxiety:
• Headspace
• Simple Habit – available for free to those unable to pay
• Insight Timer
• Calm
• The Tapping Solution


Websites offering tips for coping during the Coronavirus pandemic:

