Modesto Health Coach
Support and guidance on your health and wellness journey.
What is a Health Coach? A Health Coach will help you succeed in your journey towards health and wellness. Everyone needs support, and guidance at different points in their lives, and this can be particularly true during a time of a health crisis.
All sorts of changes need to be made, from nutrition to lifestyle, to sleep. Your Health Coach is available to keep you on track and help you get back on track if you veer off course.
Your Health Coach will take the time to understand the emotional, mental, and physical sides of the health journey and will be there to coach and guide you on the way.
Our Health Coaches work with patients one-on-one in person and via Zoom Video Calls.
A Few Benefits of Working with a Health Coach Include:
- Help you set SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
- Retrain the way you think: Health coaches help clients establish positive self-talk, by identifying and correcting negative, erroneous, unproductive beliefs.
- Overcome barriers: A health coach can help you overcome internal and external barriers that are preventing you from achieving good health. Not enough time, too much on your plate, not enough resources, these are all barriers that a person may face, barriers which a health coach will help you with and help you a workaround.
- Take Ownership: A health coach will empower you to take ownership of your experience and create positive, lasting lifestyle changes that will enhance your life and your journey toward health and wellness.