Frequently Asked Questions
Integrative Medicine & Urgent Care
Because our services at Forum Health Modesto are so specialized in Integrative Medicine, as providers, we do not follow patients in the hospital. We recommend that you have an ongoing relationship with a general practitioner outside of this office who is available for emergencies, urgent care and hospital admission.
We do provide emergency phone coverage to our patients during evenings and weekends but ONLY on issues that we treat. For these types of rare emergencies you may call:
Except for issues of medication reactions for medications we have prescribed, these phone calls will be charged and billed to you as phone consults.
If you need refills on any prescriptions, please speak with your pharmacy directly to fax a refill request to our office. Then, please contact the office only during the week day business hours for any issues regarding prescriptions. We do not address issues regarding prescriptions on weekends.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please call or e-mail our office to talk with us about your specific needs. Most often, the length of the first new patient visit is 1 hour and 15 min to cover all the current health issues you are facing, review past medical history, past labs, and create with you a treatment plan and actions.
On the day of your initial appointment, it is helpful for you to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time so that all necessary paperwork can be completed efficiently. You may choose to bring someone with you to take notes during your visit or you may bring a recording device to record the visit exchange.
We look forward to partnering with you to create and help you continue your optimal health.
We do not require a referral to see you as a patient. All you need to do is contact our scheduling specialist to arrange a new patient appointment. Although we do not accept insurance and are not a participating provider for any insurance or health plan including Medicare and Medicaid, the office can provide you with an itemized receipt form which may be submitted by you for insurance reimbursement consideration. This varies by payer and we suggest that you contact your insurance in advance in order to understand their reimbursement policy relative to our services.
Your first visit is about 75 minutes with your second appointment in a month for about an hour. After the first 2 initial visits you will meet every 2-6 months as needed.
After your initial appointment you may choose to continue to see your provider in person for any follow-up visit. Sometimes they will allow those follow-up consults by phone – depending upon what they feel is necessary for your best care. These are charged at the same rate as an office visit based on the time spent on the phone and any necessary time to finish caring for your needs.
Most often return office visits are scheduled for 45 minutes with a minimum of one half hour, or longer according to your needs.
Anyone can be a patient.
There will be no charge for cancellations made at least 48 hours before the time of appointment. Otherwise, you will be charged for half of the fee unless we are able to fill your appointment time.
Forum Health offers its patients direct preferred pricing on lab work through its in-house program, Labs Direct. On average, the Forum Health Labs Direct program saves patients 79% on lab testing, regardless of insurance coverage, with our direct preferred pricing.* Ask our front desk for more information!
Yes! You can use your FSA/HSA funds to pay for any services at our clinic.
Phone: 707-536-9722
Email: [email protected] More Location Information Here >>Telehealth
Not near our Modesto office?
No problem, our Forum Health Modesto team is available to you no matter where you are.