Joint Pain

Joint Pain Treatments in Modesto

The intensity of joint pain can greatly differ, ranging from a profound throbbing to a piercing or scorching feeling in a single joint or multiple joints. On certain occasions, the joint pain accompanies various symptoms, including:

  • Stiffness or swelling of the joints
  • Reddened and warm skin
  • Restricted movement capabilities


A significant number of individuals who experience persistent joint pain in their daily lives tend to alleviate their discomfort by relying on regular pain medication and reducing their physical activity. These approaches can have negative consequences on overall health. This pattern often persists until the pain reaches an intolerable level, resulting in increased disability. Since joint pain can stem from various causes, the appropriate treatment methods may vary accordingly, including the utilization of minimally invasive techniques.

Causes of Joint Pain

Joint pain can occur wherever two or more bones connect to each other, including the tendons, ligaments or cartilage around the area. Some common causes include:

  • Arthritis
  • Overuse or lack of use
  • Injury, sprains and strains
  • Poor alignment
  • Inflammation
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis/Tendinosis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Internal derangement of the joint (Torn Meniscus, Torn Labrum of hip or shoulder, Torn Ligaments)
  • Nerve entrapment or irritation

While conventional medicine looks to medication and surgery to relieve joint pain, at Forum Health Modesto, our integrative medicine physicians focus on the root cause. Our cutting-edge, science-backed therapies, can help reduce inflammation and pain, healing your joints and providing long-lasting relief.

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